How To Know If Your Garage Door Needs To Be Professionally Repaired


You will want to make sure that you are keeping a close eye on the condition of your garage door so you do not end up with too many problems. To help you understand when it is time to call a professional garage door repair contractor, you will want to check out the following points.

The Roller Balls Are Sticking

No matter how much force you use, if the roller balls on the garage door are sticking, it will be near impossible to get the door to move. You could first look to see if there is something obstructing the path on the tracks. If there is nothing there, try squirting some lubricant around the roller balls. If that does not work, you will want to call in a professional contractor to fix the problem. He or she may need to simply replace them with new ones.

There Is A Noticeable Bend In The Tracks

The tracks for the garage door are supposed to be nice and straight. Your garage door may still be able to function for a little while if there is a slight bend in the tracks; however, it is only a matter of time before the bent sections will get worse and your door will not be able to get across that section. Therefore, it is best to bang out the small bends with a rubber hammer as soon as you notice them. If that does not work, you may need a skilled contractor to take down the old tracks and put news ones in place.

The Springs Are Looking Rusty

Rusty garage door springs are not something that you are going to want to deal with on your own. Generally, once rust starts to form on the springs, it is time to have them replaced. It is vital that this is always done by a professional because of the amount of pressure the springs are under. You do not want to attempt to remove them on your own, as you risk injuring yourself or anyone else that might be standing nearby. This would also be a good time to inspect other metal parts of the garage door just to make sure that they too did not start to develop rust like the springs did. This way, if any other metal parts need to be replaced because of rust, the garage door technician can take care of all of it at once.

With the previously mentioned three signs of garage door trouble in mind, you should have no problem figuring out when to call for professional assistance.


29 June 2016

troubleshooting your garage door

Does your garage door open and close as it should? How long have you been having troubles with your garage door? If you have been putting off getting repairs on your garage door, now is the time to step up and get it operating properly. Find some troubleshooting tips and tricks that can help you pinpoint the problem and possibly make the repairs without the assistance of a professional repair technician. You will also learn about the repair tasks that do require professional assistance and get an idea of what each of those services will cost you to have done.