Signs That Your Garage Door Needs Repair


It's hard to imagine a more straightforward piece of technology than the garage door. After all, it's intended to do two things: go up and go down. But as anyone who's dealt with a finicky garage door knows, even the simplest can become complex when there's trouble lurking. This is a guidepost for homeowners to recognize the unmistakable signs that their garage door may need professional attention.

The Door is Sluggish

If your garage door suddenly starts moving more like a sloth than a sprinter, it could be displaying a number of issues. Lubrication might be the simplest fix, but underlying motor problems could be to blame. Check the tracks for debris or misalignment that may be inhibiting movement. Often, a sluggish door doesn't just signal an annoyance—it's setting you up for a potential refusal to move, which is inconvenient at best, and dangerous at worst.

The Door Won’t Stay Open or Closed

Your garage door should stay open when you want it to and closed when you need it shut. If it starts to ignore these commands, it's an indicator that the system is out of alignment or that there might be an issue with the safety sensors or remote control. While it might not seem urgent, an unreliable garage door poses not only an inconvenience but also a security risk.

Sections of the Door Sag or Are Uneven

A crooked garage door is often an eyesore, but more importantly, it can be a significant safety hazard. Sections that are sagging or fall out of alignment might close with uneven force, posing a risk to anything or anyone that happens to be in the way. In many cases, this is a relatively straightforward issue for a professional to remedy, and a proactive homeowner can sometimes spot and fix this during regular maintenance.

It Doesn’t Respond to the Opener

One of the more obvious signs that something is wrong with your garage door is its refusal to respond to the remote or keypad. This could signify a simple problem, such as a dead battery, or a more complex issue, like damage to the motor. Trouble with the opener should be addressed promptly; it is the main line of communication between you and your garage door.

The Door Is Showing Signs of Wear and Tear

Given enough time and use, all systems start showing signs of wear. Obvious indicators include rust or pitting on metal surfaces, fraying or broken cables, or cracks in the door's frame, especially around the hinges. When you notice significant wear, however superficial it may seem, it's important to take action before it leads to more extensive damage.

Don't wait for your garage door to cause a real headache. For more information, contact a company such as Professional Garage Services.


20 March 2024

troubleshooting your garage door

Does your garage door open and close as it should? How long have you been having troubles with your garage door? If you have been putting off getting repairs on your garage door, now is the time to step up and get it operating properly. Find some troubleshooting tips and tricks that can help you pinpoint the problem and possibly make the repairs without the assistance of a professional repair technician. You will also learn about the repair tasks that do require professional assistance and get an idea of what each of those services will cost you to have done.